A Call For Justice: The Conspiracy Against Brother Jamil Al-Amin

A Call For Justice: The Conspiracy Against Brother Jamil Al-Amin

The basis for the following article was originally published in 2000 by the Taliyah al-Mahdi. Edits and further additions have been made to the text, in order to reflect the evolving approach of the Inner Circle of the occulted group, and current events.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


In the Name of Allah, the One and Only, who is without partners or comparisons; the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, the One who is the Source of the Truth, Justice, Wisdom and Faith, and to Hu is the Return of all that practice and embody these; living in Submission to the Higher Law of Hu’s Perfect Will… The Kingdom is at hand…

Brothers and Sisters in Islam… Brothers and Sisters in Salaam; the Peace that is manifest from and within those who live lives of Submission to our Creator’s Law. A Law, a Creator, and a body of Believers that transcends the boundaries of manmade division and duality. An Ummah that sees no difference or division in the Message and Mission of all 124,000 Prophets, sent to all nations and peoples as a sign, a mercy and miracle from Allah. Ya Mu’minun! ‘O Believers! You who are Islam, you who Submit to the Divine Will, whether you call yourselves names and sects after one Prophet or another; know that you are all Brothers and Sisters, one unto another. Know that you who follow the Way, the Din of Islam are indeed bound to Paradise by way of your Iman, your Faith, just as a husband is bound to his wife. You as a body of Believers are as a wife to your Rabb, and Hu’s representatives, the true Khalifah in this World…

As the Prophet Solomon spoke of in Wisdom; Allah is the Lover and we are the Beloved. As a Mind is the Lord over the body, so too are we the body, the limbs of the actuation of the Divine Will. It is the actuation of this Will that we must constantly and continuously Strive Hard in actuation and pursuit of.

Just as the Mind sends off signals and impulses to the limbs, to act in accordance with its desires and plan, so too does Allah send us the Word, the Kalimah, through Hu’s Prophets, Witnesses, and yes, within the very hearts of all who quiet their minds, listen to the Spirit of Truth and reflect.

Brothers and Sisters in Truth, Justice, Wisdom and Faith, this is a call to all who are concerned with righteousness, with creating a just and peaceful world. This is a call to action for those who put the Divine Will above the comfort, convenience, safety and security that this modern Babylon system offers them in vain. “Peace! Peace!” is what they cry… But in this wicked system of Dajjal, there is NO peace, there is NO justice, and NO regard for the Higher Law by which the whole of Existence is designed, purported and destined to follow.

For 500 years in the west, these Children of Cain have spread their kufr, their disbelief, infidelity, deceit and destruction. Along the way wars and revolutions have broken out; burning like a Triple-Flame within the innermost hearts of the True Believers over the years. It has burned within the Qalb, of Garvey, King, Malcolm X, Mumia and yes also within the Qalb, the Innermost sanctuary, the Inner Ka`bah of the Heart of our Brother Imam Jamil Al-Amin. This same Brother is now a fugitive from the injustice system, from the devils of this wicked system of Dajjal.

Brothers and Sisters, how long will you wait, standing by allowing this to continue, imagining that this is a Battle which we cannot win? How many times will you allow Babylon to use you, to abuse you, to prostitute you; while returning to it after every beating, lynching and shooting? Returning to Babylon as it stands there with its white hood, burning cross and swastika. Returning to its promises of love for you so long as you allow it to do with you as it pleases. How long will you believe that this devil, this Imposter loves you?

What will it take to bring an end to this madness? Must your very son or daughter be the direct victim of their legalized raping, beating and murdering? If your daughter is beaten by the taskmasters of Babylon then will you stand up and fight? If your very son is shot at 41 times, while having no weapon or criminal offense of any kind, then will you stand up? When the pigs who killed him, when the pack of dogs who killed him are pardoned of any wrong doing, then will you finally stand up and slay this Goliath?

Or will you keep telling yourself that they will not come for you and yours just as the Children of Isaac told themselves this in vain only half a century ago? They are coming for you and yours; they have been coming for you all along. Their aims and intentions have never swayed or wavered, not even once.

Like a battered woman believing her assailant’s lies, you also return to Babylon and believe its lies that it loves you, that it cares for you, that it will never strike you again; never assassinate you for speaking out against its 500 years of rape, genocide, torture and murder. Believing that it will never again jail you for coming to your brother’s aid in a Philadelphia alleyway as its taskmasters beat him. Believing that it will never again shoot at you 41 times.

But in your hearts you know that Babylon’s words are not true. In your hearts you know that Brother Mumia Abu Jamal is your innocent son on death row. You know that those were your sons and daughters burned alive by 32 pounds of C4 in Philadelphia only 15 years ago. You know that Amadou Diallo is your innocent, unarmed son who was murdered by this pack of dogs dressed in the blue garb of Satan and hatred of God.

Deep inside you know that Brother Jamil Al-Amin is your devout and righteous son; a son who 20 years ago stood up and spat in this devil’s face. A Brother and a son who since then has done nothing but uplift his community and the impoverished of Atlanta. You know that Babylon has targeted this Brother because of his unrelenting opposition to injustice and mistreatment of those shackled within the chains of this Great Satan’s plantation state.

Brother and Sisters, those who know Al-Amin know that he is not a murderer. They know that Jamil Al-Amin is an Imam, a leader of his local peaceful, Islamic community. They know that it is impossible for such a person to murder, just as it is impossible for Babylon to treat people with fairness and even-dealing. Those who know Brother Al-Amin know that if he shot anyone then he was by definition justified in doing so as an act of self defense, otherwise he would never have shot. They know that otherwise he would never raise so much as a finger against anyone.

No Brothers and Sisters, Babylon is not telling you the Truth about your Brother and Son Jamil Al-Amin. They misconstrue reality, they torture the truth to say what their itching ears want to hear. They say that if Al-Amin acted in self-defense, then why did he flee? Yet they answered this question long before ever asking it, when they imprisoned Brother Mumia and put him on death row over a decade ago.

No Brothers and Sisters, this is not the land of your opportunity. This is not a nation of promise and equality. These are the lies of the slave master as he splits your back open with his whip of genocide, oppression and tyranny. Those are his lies, the lies of the past 500 years. Those are the lies that Columbus “discovered” America, that the Moors were not here, that the indigenous tribes were not here. These are the lies that they forged as broken contracts with the tribes that once were stewards of this land. These are the lies they told them then and the lies that they tell them now as they drug them with their fire-water. These are the lies they tell as they build up liquor stores in the ghettos; as the FBI floods the ghettos with drugs and poison.

These are the lies of their fraternal organizations; lies that they were initiated into the esoteric dimensions of the Faith of the Prophets and the mysteries of Egypt; when that is nothing but the construct of their imagination and deceit to validate their demonic ideology and practice. But was it not they who stole the sacred texts from below the Temple mount so many years ago? Still they lie and lie, telling you that they have set you free while they steal your culture, heritage and even your soul and will to resist their rape. Still they tell you that Europe’s cultural thievery is Cain’s innovation. Their mouths are filled with nothing but perversion of history and lies.

Yet do you wonder at the climate of this society? Do you wonder at the current legislation they tighten around your neck, fastening it as a noose? Do you wonder why the first gun control legislation in this land was to bar “negros” from owning (keeping) and carrying (bearing) arms? Do you wonder why immediately after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed nearly every state mandated permits to carry (bear) arms?

Do you wonder why they now ban small guns? Do you wonder why they ban cheap guns, falsely claiming that it is to protect gun owners from “poor” quality weapons of self-defense. Do you wonder why they now ban small guns, and cheap guns? Do you wonder why they would bother to ban a “poor” quality “Saturday Night Special” which costs only $50, when these are clearly the least powerful of firearms? Do you wonder why they banned $70 SKS rifles when $900 AR-15 rifles were not banned? Do you wonder why you are allowed to own less and less to defend yourself against those who unjustly kill and rape, while their police build up arsenals and “S.W.A.T.” teams in a so-called “war on crime” that their master has orchestrated? There is no mystery in their actions, the mystery is why they are permitted by the impoverished masses, to continue on in peace, with little or no opposition.

Do you realize that these laws of politricktion and demonocracy are only to disarm the poor? Their aims only to disarm those with just cause to use such weapons against those who shoot their sons and daughters 41 times for no crime other than being of a lower caste than the slavemaster…

And still they pacify the poor with their liquor, with their pornography, with their nonsense songs by slaves who claim to be “gansta’s” rather than the traitors that they are, as they turn queens into “bitches” and “hoe’s” and turning noble men, from a noble land and culture, into murderers of each other, murderers of others oppressed and in bondage. Still they inflict their lies upon you; their 41 lies that shoot through your body as you lay unarmed in a pool of the blood of Abel… All men are created equal…

You have the right to a fair trail…
You have the right to bear arms…
You have the right to keep arms…
You have the right to life…
You have the right to liberty…
You have the right to pursuit of happiness…
One nation under God…
With liberty for all…
With Justice for all…
You have the freedom of speech…
You have the freedom to assemble…
You have the freedom of religion…
You have the right to be tried by a jury of your peers…
With liberty and justice for all…
and on the lies continue with no end in sight…

So what can we do? What can a mere boy named David do against a giant of the Philistines? Brothers and Sisters you must know that there is no easy answer to this. There will be no end to this Struggle without sacrifice and even bloodshed. The blood is on Dajjal’s hands. For this Babylon system has started this war, they have thrown the first punch, they have fired the first shot, they have claimed the first casualty. We have turned the other cheek 7 times 70 times, yet they have never even asked for forgiveness. If the kaffirun do not repent then, as `Isa stated, “Even the Most High can not forgive them.”

But the question is not who will win this War. For this Battle is not one that Babylon has waged against you or I. It is a war they have waged against Allah. Even if we were not to come together and fight, arm in arm, against this one-eyed demonic system, then it would still melt as a pillar of salt immersed in the coming flood, the coming storm. No, the question is how many of our Brothers, Sisters, Mothers, Fathers, Sons and Daughters will be raped, tortured, mutilated, lynched and shot to death along the way, as so many of the righteous stand to the side and forgive the oppressor for sins of which they do not repent?

One by one, the signs of the Prophet’s have been fulfilled in this age. One must look no further than the back of the U.$. one dollar bill to see the very “one-eye” by which the Prophet Muhammad foretold that we may recognize the Dajjal…

Yet still so many wait in vain for a purely literalistic, one-dimensional fulfillment of prophecies that came to pass long ago as so many knelt praying to some mythological white god in the sky. A god that their slavemasters have taught them of. The Battle of Har Meggido is a Battle that rages here and now, not in some hypothetical future context. We are our Brother’s Keeper and we must Fight his Fight!

Now is long past the time to prepare for this Great Jihad that so many Prophets have spoke of and warned of. There will be no more servitude to this devil. Brother Mumia will be set free as all innocent men and women should be, or the whole of Babylon will be set ablaze with revolution. A revolution that the oppressor has never before tasted the anguish of; the greatest Jihad led by the Imam Al-Mahdi when he will rise.

There will be a release of all political prisoners; prisoners whose only crime was speaking out or acting out against oppression and this satanic society. Whether Mumia or Peltier or any others, all must be freed. There must be no more innocent Brothers shot by a pack of dogs on edge in a neighborhood that their oppression created; making them fear for their kaffir lives as they well should. There will be no more Sisters beaten by these dogs so that they miscarry their growing children, once living within their wombs. There will only be more Muslim Brothers and Sisters such as Imam Jamil Al-Amin; Brothers and Sisters who stand up to Babylon, who do not bend to the status quo, who do not back down when terrorized by the taskmasters of this modern world. Brothers who when faced with oppression do not turn and hide, but stand and fight; not merely in defense of their own lives, but in defense of all innocent life and in defense of the Holy concept of Law of Justice itself; in defense of a future Just and harmonious world where Heaven on Earth shall reign.

That is the Law of the Torah, the Law of the Injil and the Law of the Qur’an. The rights and obligations that Allah has bestowed upon us, neither man nor Babylon can strip away. The time has come to stand up for our Brothers and Sisters whether we are of dark, tan or light skin pigment. This is hu-man Struggle and any who neglect it do not deserve the right of being called human.

Our Struggle is Mumia’s Struggle, Amadou Diallo’s Struggle, Al-Amin’s Struggle… Now is the time to come together, to deal the final blow to Dajjal and bring this Satan to its knees. This is not advocation of indiscriminate violence or terrorism, no that is what this nation and its ten heads advocates. We do not advocate random acts of violence done out of frustration and aimless anger. We do not advocate targeting people with anger and violence based upon so-called “race” or any other illusory concepts. We advocate only that there be no more of the guilty who go unpunished, and that those who are fugitives from Babylon will be protected by Allah and by Hu’s servants. We advocate only Justice and Peace by any means necessary.

This is the final warning, a call to action and justice for all. There will be no compromise with the devil. If Babylon’s courts will not enforce the Law, then Allah’s servants will. And if the taskmasters of this world come to terrorize Brothers such as Al-Amin, if they come and wound him and then hunt him down like their prey, then we will come to his aid and defense. For as `Isa said, “Woe to the hunter, for he shall be hunted…” Babylon will fall and we will move forward to Eden, leaving this Godless system behind as Lot left behind Sodom and Gomorrah, as Wheat is separated from chaff, as Gold is refined by fire. For do not think that we come merely to bring Peace, but for the oppressor we come to bring a Sword. For without Justice there can be no Peace. How this ends is up to you.