The following are a selection of many Taliyah al-Mahdi articles. They will be likely be added to this site over time, but for now, interested parties can contact [email protected] to receive any of these, by request.
Who We Are
- The 12 Precepts (التعاليم الاثني عشر الفطرة)
- On the MOVE For Intersectional Social Justice
- The Nature of the Tali`yun
- The 12 Points of Action: The Ethics of the True Taliyah
Internal Jihad (Jahada-n-nafsa)
- The Perpetual Return of the Imam
- The Eternal Prophet: The Timeless Nature of Primordial Islam
- Universal Path of the Spirit
- The Liberation of Revolution
- Forgiving Those Who Trespass
- The Universal Brotherhood
- Pure Islam
- Focusing on Nothing
- Eternal Jihad
- Proof of the Divine
- The Sacred Mountain
- Division
- The Inferior and Superior `Edenic State
The Sunnah of the Shi`ah (of All Prophets and Sages)
- Niyyah and the Subtle Deceptions of the Nafs
- Minhaj al-Masih
- One Religion, Many Cultures
- The Religion of Reason: The Role of Personal and Hierarchical Ijtihad as well as `Aql (Reason) vs. Taqlid (Blind Obedience) in Islam
- Ashura: A Time For Direct Action
- The Ways of Jahiliyah: The Apostasy of Tribalism and Racialism
- Being Among the Shi`ah of all Prophets and Sages is the Sunnah
- `Ismah Al-Ma'sumin: What is REALLY Meant by the "Infallibility" of the Ma'sumin
- Islamic Taxes and Charity: The Nature of Zakah, Sadaqah, and Khums
- A Message to the Nawasib
- Qur'anic Salat: The Basis For the Salat Methodology of the Ahl al-Bayt
- The 52 "Night and Day" Rak`ah of the Taliyah al-Mahdi
- What is the Relationship Between Islam and Yahadut (Judaism)?
Social Issues and Intersectional Justice
- Deconstructing Fundamentalist Homophobia in Abrahamic Religions
- A Call For Justice
- Last Words of Shahid Walanzo
- The Islamic Concept of Race
- The Implausibility of the "Ticking Time Bomb Scenario" and Philosophical Dishonesty In the So-Called "War On Terror"
- Persistence of Jewish-Muslim Reconciliatory Activism in the Face of Threats and “Terrorism” (Real and Perceived) From All Sides
- Food For The Spirit
Islamic Reformation and Destroying the Wahhabi Apostasy
- The Hujjatiyyah Factor and the Iranian Regime
- Rashid Rida & Neo-Salafism In The 20th Century
- Recent Wahhabi Attacks On Civilians: The Myth of “Islamic” Terrorism (09.12.2001)

Historical-Critical Methodology In Seeking Historical "Islam"
- People of the Book: What the Religions Named in the Qur'an Can Tell Us About the Earliest Understanding of "Islam"
- The Quest for the Historical Muhammad: How the “Third Quest” Era of Historical Jesus Research Can Help Us Understand Muhammad's Islam
- What Did Muhammad Mean by Islam?
- The Qur’an as Midrash: Islamic Origins and the Sacred Writings of Judaism
- Unraveling the Myth of the Banu Qurayzah: The Origins of Islamicate Genocide
- The Fast of Moses: The Lunisolar Calendar of the Qur'an and the Origins of Islam
- The Dead Sea Scrolls on the Identity of Messiah, the "Chosen One of God"
- The Sabaeans, Magians and Zandiqin As They Pertain To Islamic Origins
- Identifying the Qur'anic "Nasara" - the Quasi-Jewish Nazarene Sect and the Qur’anic Audience
- The Ka`bah as a Jewish Sukkah: Why Muhammad Prayed Towards Jerusalem and Mecca
- Jewish Magic and Mysticism in Shi`ah Narrations of the Ahl al-Bayt
- What does it mean that "the Mahdi will rule according to the Judgment of David and Solomon"?
- Planets or Stars? When the Qur'an Quotes the Torah and Mufassirin Are Ignorant of the Source
- Critical evidence that the Qur'an DID NOT PERMIT the Eating of Camel Flesh!
- Naziritism and the Qur'an?
- The Biblical Basis for Vegetarianism: The Preference of the Edenic Diet in Jewish, Christian and Muslim Sources
- Is “Allah” the God of the Bible? Investigating the Manuscript and Anthropological Evidence
- The Historical Context of the Pre-Christian "Book of Revelation" and its Relation To Islamic Eschatology
- Identifying the Historical Gog and Magog
- The Fitnah of the Dajjal: How We Can Identify The Imposter Today
- The Significance of the "God Fearers" Movement in the Environment of Early Christianity: Gentile Sympathizers of Judaism (As Pre-Qur'anic "Islam") and the Success of the Paulean Meme
- James the Brother of Jesus: The Islamic Message of the Epistle of James and the Qur’an